Husband Material

Should I Delete Instagram?

May 04, 2020 Drew Boa Episode 19
Husband Material
Should I Delete Instagram?
Show Notes Transcript

Discover if deleting Instagram is right for you. I want you to make this decision with confidence.

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Welcome to the Husband Material Podcast, where we help Christian men quit pornography so you can change your brain, heal your heart and save your relationship. My name is Drew Boa, and I'm here to show you how. Let's go today. We're talking about insta other social media, too, but mainly instagram because so many guys feel Tauron about this and I get asked about it all the time. They enjoy the good things. Instagram enhances their lives in certain ways, and yet they also recognise danger and they want to avoid any sexual temptation so they feel stuck. And I totally get it. Because in high school, social media was my pornography. I used to go on there and masturbate to pictures and videos of the girls from my school or from my church youth group. Not my best life people. But nowadays I not only use Instagram every day, I actually helped my clients handle it in a way that works for them, and sometimes they delete it, and sometimes they don't. What I'm gonna help you do is what we do. One of the very first days of our coaching program, which is decide which social media accounts to keep, deactivate and delete. In my humble opinion, here are the pros and cons of having an INSTAGRAM account when you're trying to quit. Born one pro is education. If you follow on account like moral revolution or fight the new drug or husband material men, you will get awesome content every day to educate you, inform you, instruct you inspire you on how to quit porn. And that could be a beautiful thing when your digital devices become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Another thing you can get on Instagram is connection with other guys who are trying to quit porn. If you go on those accounts that I mentioned, you confined potential allies. You confined people to encourage you and support you on this journey. The thing is, education and connection are available elsewhere, too. You don't need to be on Instagram to get them, so the pros are okay. The cons are very significant. Number one instagram is highly visual. So more than Twitter, more than Facebook, it's going to show you pictures and videos. And for guys who are primarily sexually stimulated visually and physically, that could be a huge danger zone. Also, when you're just scrolling through instagram passively, you are having a passive posture. You are a consumer, not a creator, And so that attitude that posture lends itself to using pornography, which asks nothing of you only to consume and puts you in a state of passiveness sexually. Another important con of having an INSTAGRAM account is that Instagram has an algorithm. It's smart, and so when you linger on sexual content or you click on it, Instagram will take notes, and it will show you more of it. So if you've clicked on some sexual content in the past, your instagram account, because of the algorithm, is going to be extremely sexualized. And that makes it really hard to quit porn when you still have your account. So how do you know whether or not to delete your account? Here are a few steps you can take Number one. Get clear on your goals. When you have clarity on the higher purpose for your life, you can ask, How does Instagram fit into my goals? Is it helping me reach them, or is it hindering me? So one of my goals is to reach more guys like you who want to be free from porn. So I'm on Instagram with a purpose. I have a very specific goal and it helps me achieve that goal. Maybe for your career or for some other purpose. You need to be on instagram. Okay, You need to ask yourself, Is it helping me towards that goal or hindering me from that goal? And if it's hindering you, here's what I recommend you do next. Do a little experiment. Deactivate instagram for one month. That means you're not deleting it. You're just deactivating it. You're saying a BRB. I'll see you later and see what life is like. I don't recommend deleting your account right away. And here's why. For most people, that is too big of a step when most people say, Oh, yeah, I tried to leading Instagram. They didn't delete it. Hey, just deactivated it. That means they could get it back. Any time. When you delete it, your countess over. It's gone. You cannot get it back. All of your followers, all the people you're following, it's over. So that's usually too big of a step for people to take. So what I recommend is deactivating your account for one month and see how life is for you after that. Is it easier to quit porn? Are you connecting with more people? Are you enjoying yourself more? Is your bigger purpose for your life being more fulfilled? If so, after that one month trial, then you can consider deleting it. And when you do so, you can have confidence knowing that you want without it for a month and life was way better. Even if you do decide to keep your instagram account, I recommend putting boundaries on when you access it and where and for how long. If you want to know more about what that could look like, check out my video called Three Steps to Smartphones Safety. In any case, whether you delete it or don't really it, I hope that your digital devices become areas where you are becoming mawr like Jesus and fulfilling that bigger purpose for your life. Question of the day. How do you handle social media? And if you want awesome content on Instagram to help you quit foreign every day Goto husband material men and follow us Always remember, my friend, you are God's beloved son in you. He is well. Please

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